The Hourglass Maker

My occupation here
is to put air on sand
into hourglasses,
breathing time into curved glass.

There are certain formulas for the careful extraction.
The air must be pulled from precise locations-
The small passage near the left ventricle of the heart.
From tiny pockets between vertebrae of the upper spine.
And there are cavities behind the eyes,
air is brought in and stored there,
not by breath but by glance.

this last location is also the hardest,
the eyes must be seared by horrific sights
to produce and harvest spit tears
that are then destructive-distilled for their contents.
All of which are breathed in
to be breathed out
into the hourglass.

--John Hamilton

Thursday, July 5, 2007

47 Million Americans Without Health Insurance says a report by the US Census Bureau this week (September, 2007) up 0.5% in 2006

1 comment:

Ashley or Johnny said...

Whatever your politics or feeling toward Michael Moore, I think this film illustrates some healthcare problems the the US face. I believe John died because he was denied healthcare that would have saved his life.